We See You!

A twisted tale why privacy is not an option

“Watching Over You” (image courtesy Daniele-Colucci-Unsplash modified by WitzFineArt)

As a youth minister, I typically have to address many questions presented when teaching the bible. Not all the student’s questions have specific simple quotable scripture or biblical examples. Some, to describe it accurately, are divinely influenced shots from the hip.

From my years of theological studies, I learned Ministers rely on word-of-mouth teachings passed down over the ages from wiser theological scholars. They base most of those teachings on faith versus the carved in stone written words.

I found in teaching impressionable youths that a combination of current events, first-hand personal experiences, the written word and verbally taught interpretations of scripture worked best.

My most recent confirmation class of tweens and teens had been great, rather routine, almost too easy. Their questions were general in nature, not unlike all the other classes for the past five years. I had those general answers memorized, both page and verse.

There was one boy who never asked a single question or interacted in conversations with the rest of the group. Fifteen-year-old Johnny seemed shy, a bit melancholy, yet attentive, so much that his sitting and listening quietly never raised concerns.



Patrick C. Witz - Author, Artist, Photographer

Short story award winner who loves bringing words to life by: strumming emotions; sculpting characters; using captivating dialogue; painting colorful settings.