Twisted Shorts

Who says stories have to end happily ever after…

Twisted Shorts, Tell You I Will! (photo courtesy Benn McGuinness, Unsplash, Modified)

Short story authors write stories in an endless variety of formats and styles, create a plethora of characters, dabble in a few points of view, and play with different genres and mixed genres. However, even though there are umpteen possible story-line endings, the “Twist Ending” is possibly one of the most memorable aspects of a short story.

So, what is a Twist?

The term “Twist” has several meanings: It’s a 1959 Rock-and-roll dance by Chubby Checker; How someone undoes a jar lid or soda: It’s an uncomfortable undergarment position; and simply stated, to form something into a bent, curling, or distorted shape. In writing, especially with short stories, the Twist is a story ending that adds an emotional punch; sudden directional flow changes to the story; an “ah-ha” moment; a complete collapse of the story-line; or a simple, shockingly creative conclusion. In the well-known simplest writing term, a Twist is NOT a typical “Happily Ever After” ending.

Authors thrill many readers with a perfectly timed, memorable, palm-slap-to-forehead story ending Twist. Most typical Twists flip the story’s assumed progressive plot finale into something surprising. Right goes left, up goes down, the good guy with the white hat turns out to be a bad guy wearing the…



Patrick C. Witz - Author, Artist, Photographer

Short story award winner who loves bringing words to life by: strumming emotions; sculpting characters; using captivating dialogue; painting colorful settings.