Vacation Nightmare

Honestly, some vacations just need to be forgotten.

Old rusty smoking Mexican fishing trawler muscling through deep blue ocean waters heading out to sea.
Mexican Fishing Boat (Photo Courtesy WitzFineArts)

I glanced out the plane’s window expecting to see Tarzan swing into view from the enormous trees attempting to strangle the airport. A vast number of vines dangling from the tree limbs seem to be encouraging the lush tropical vegetation below to creep out and slowly retake the rough runway clearing.

My attention during the plane’s descent shifted from the never-been-cleaned windows to the plywood underfoot. It moved. What I thought were screws, were dirty holes where screws may have once been, and definitely should have remained.

As the board slid forward, I could see the dark runway surface streaming by under my dangling feet.

Some planned vacations are enjoyable and picturesque… my family’s 1984 vacation almost killed me.

My dad was the master planner of the trip. For ten years he scrimped and saved to take his entire family on vacation to Mazatlán, Mexico to experience deep-sea sport fishing. He insisted he pay for the entire trip for everyone in the family.

When it finally happened, two huge red CAUTION flags waved wildly in my mind.



Patrick C. Witz - Author, Artist, Photographer

Short story award winner who loves bringing words to life by: strumming emotions; sculpting characters; using captivating dialogue; painting colorful settings.